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Cities and towns across NWA are aware of the shortage of Affordable Housing! Join us to hear from Planning and Development leaders what changes are being made to address this crisis.
Planning Departments, Commissions and City Councils across our region have been studying this issue and how other municipalities are implementing innovative solutions. Tonight we're bring you the decision makers who are changing the regs and implementing new ideas for investors and developers. They'll share:
Keaton Smith is VP of Community Relations at First Horizon Bank, member of Fayetteville's Housing Crisis Task Force, Partners for Better Housing and Advisory Board at Urban Land Institute. Long involved in community planning, he brings vast experience in the NWA housing.
Karen Davis is Community Development Director for the City of Lowell, one of the most investor-friendly cities in NWA. For 14+ years she has led urban planning efforts, written grants and coordinated local festivals. Karen says Lowell is Open for Business - just ask her!
Mark Cloud wears many "real estate" hats. VP of Commercial Lending for 1st National Bank NWA, a Springdale Planning Commissioner and Founder of Integrated Solutions Group providing construction consulting for investors and developers. Mark is definitely a "must have" for your team.
Lonnie Harrell is the Benton County Fire Marshall, and Director of Building Safety. He tells us that the County doesn't have zoning regulations, but if you need a permit or inspection or insight into how Benton County works, Lonnie is your go-to guy!
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